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Dear Customer, We have launched Video KYC facility for New customer to open savings ac

Against NSC & KVP

S No. Title Description
1. Eligibility Any Individual, Group of Individuals, Proprietorship /Partnership Firms, Companies etc. who is a bonafide Member of the Bank, including Nominal member.
2. Type of Facility Loan and/or Overdraft limit.
3. Purpose For any legitimate requirement of funds except for speculative purposes.
4. Margin 25% of Face value of the instrument.
5. Rate of Interest As per Bank’s rules.
6. Repayment As required by the borrower, but not later than the date of maturity of the instrument/s pledged with the Bank.
7. Security Pledge of NSCs and KVPs. in the name of borrower or any third party, who shall require to stand as surety for the facility.
8. Other Conditions ➤ Bank’s charge on the instrument to be registered with issuing authority of the respective instrument before disbursement of credit facility.
➤ No financial accommodation to be allowed for purchase of same instrument which is proposed to be pledge with the Bank.

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